The latest assessment of glyphosate for human, animal and environmental health in the European Union
8/14/2023 10:27:30 AM

The latest assessment of glyphosate for human, animal and environmental health in the European Union

Glyphosate is a chemical used in a number of herbicide products and is approved for use in the European Union until December 15, 2023. The use of this substance in Europe is subject to strict laws. The risk assessment of glyphosate was carried out by the European Food Safety Authority (ESFA) as part of the legal process for its use in Europe. The agency's reviews did not identify significant areas of concern. The risk assessment of glyphosate was carried out by experts from four member countries (which (jointly acting as "Rapporteur Member States") carried out. In its peer review of the risk assessment of the active ingredient glyphosate in relation to the risk it poses to humans, animals or the environment, it did not identify any significant areas of concern and It concluded that this substance does not meet the scientific criteria for classification as a carcinogen, mutagen, or retoxicant. Still issues include evaluating one of the glyphosate impurities, assessing the consumer's dietary risk, and fully evaluating the risks to aquatic plants. can not be done

"The risk assessment and review of glyphosate represents the work of dozens of scientists from the European Food Safety Authority and member states in a process that took more than three years. It is based on an evaluation of thousands of studies and scientific articles, as well as valuable input gathered during the public consultation, said Guilhem de Seze, EFSA's head of risk assessment production. The results of this review have been shared with the European Commission and member states to inform the decision they will make about keeping glyphosate on the EU's list of approved pesticides.

As soon as this process is completed, the European Food Safety Authority will publish the conclusions and all background documents related to the risk assessment review in full on its website. The conclusions are expected to be published by the end of July 2023, and the background documents, which run to several thousand pages, are expected to be published between the end of August and mid-October 2023.


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