Introducing the latest ways to control vegetable pests, diseases and weeds in a very good book
8/8/2023 1:49:51 PM

Introducing the latest ways to control vegetable pests, diseases and weeds in a very good book

The book "2023 Midwest Vegetable Production Guide" has been published by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture of the US Department of Agriculture for the use of farmers. In this comprehensive and useful book, which won the "Horticultural Science Association of America" award, he has presented all aspects of planting to harvesting all kinds of vegetables. In this book, the author has first discussed the standard grouping of vegetables. Groups are introduced with numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 15 and 19. The author first provides the necessary guidance on how to feed these plants and then introduces pests, diseases and weeds that cause damage to each product, provides ways to control them and introduces effective pesticides in each section. In addition to this, it explains all the steps related to preparing poisons, calculating the amount of consumption, how to calibrate all types of sprayers and canvases in the simplest way. This book can be downloaded for free.


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