Syngenta's safety measures in India, a model for large pesticide producers in Iran
8/9/2023 5:58:51 PM

Syngenta's safety measures in India, a model for large pesticide producers in Iran

Syngenta launched the 7th edition of I-SAFE (Safety Awareness to Empower Farmers) in India. Under the I-SAFE initiative, the company plans to train at least 1,000 male workers in India over the next year on how to properly spray. In addition, in this program, 5000 farmers will be trained on the safety of using pesticides and their use in the field. In 500 villages, Syngenta will provide public awareness by deploying vans, and train at least 100 doctors. During this program, 62,000 farmers have learned ways to identify and treat accidental exposure to pesticides.

By selecting six cotton model farms, Syngenta Company educates farmers about the safe use of protection products. The company has also implemented other sustainable methods such as soil health analysis - optimal use of fertilizers, pheromone traps for effective management of pink bollworm, and crop protection protocol for more sustainable and effective cotton growth.

In a new move, the company has introduced a digital app for safe usage advice this year. This program ensures that farmers registered through the program will receive timely and frequent advice on the safe and responsible use of pesticides and other agricultural inputs. Farmers will also get instant crop advice with just one click on the Syngenta CropWise Grower App and its Crop Doctor feature.


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