Nanofiber technology to help manage wheat diseases
7/25/2023 1:54:41 PM

Nanofiber technology to help manage wheat diseases

With the use of nanofiber technology, a product covering the leaves of plants with the trademark © MAG/Richard Allison has been produced. By using these nanofibers, the plant can be saved from the risk of contracting many leaf diseases without the need to use fungicides. This is a non-chemical approach to control foliar disease in winter wheat. Cellulose nanofibers act as a barrier on the leaves and protect them from fungal infection. These nanofibers, which are produced from pine trees in Scandinavia, are currently used in other industries such as cosmetics. But they can play a valuable role in protecting crops. Reports from Japan show that the use of these nanofibers prevents the infection of soybean plants with Asian rust disease. And at the same time, it is economically cheaper. As an antiperspirant and not a pesticide, this product may enter the market next year.

This substance is used at the rate of one liter per hectare and of course it needs to be used several times. Repeated use of this product even in the amount of four liters per hectare does not cause any problems for the plant. It is recommended at the beginning of the season when the plants are smaller and fungicide sprays can reach the soil. This product can also reduce soil fungi.

Currently, it is being investigated whether the coating of this product on the surface of the leaves of plants can be an obstacle to the feeding and activity of important pests such as aphids that carry viral diseases.


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