A new field tool for the simultaneous detection of several transmitted plant viruses
With its new ImmunoComb® product, Agdia, Inc. helps farmers identify multiple plant viruses with common symptoms that share a common insect vector. Thrips Spot Viruses ImmunoComb® actually combines three existing ImmunoStrips® into one easy-to-use format. Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV), tobacco stripe virus (TSV), and tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) are all commonly transmitted by thrips and can cause spot-like symptoms in many plant species. Such similarities require reliable and easy detection methods to separate these three disease agents.
Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV, Orthotospovirus) is a spherical, enveloped virus that infects more than 600 plant species. While the virus is primarily spread by the Western Flower Thrips (WFT), it can also be effectively spread by cuttings (vegetative propagation). Symptoms of INSV virus disease vary by host, but often include brown, purple, or sunken spots on leaves, brown spots on stems, chlorosis, necrosis, stunted growth, and ring spots.
Obacco streak virus (TSV, Ilarvirus) has a wide host range consisting of nearly 200 plant species, which causes significant economic losses in crops ranging from houseplants and other ornamental plants to vegetables and crops. While some infected plants are asymptomatic, symptoms vary among hosts and include spots, mosaic patterns, necrotic streaks, stunted growth, apical necrosis, and leaf deformation. Tobacco streak virus is spread by several species of thrips, but can also be spread by propagation cuttings and infected seed. While some infected plants are asymptomatic, symptoms vary among hosts and include spots, mosaic patterns, necrotic streaks, stunted growth, apical necrosis, and leaf deformation. Tobacco streak virus is spread by several species of thrips, but can also be spread by propagation cuttings and infected seed.
Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) is another member of the genus Orthotospovirus capable of infecting many different crops of economic importance. According to the Center for Agricultural and Life Sciences International (CABI), TSWV is now considered among the top 10 most economically destructive plant viruses with global losses exceeding $1 billion per year. This virus is spread by several different species of thrips. Symptoms include small brown spots or spots, ring spots, chlorosis, necrotic spots, etc.
Thrips Spot Viruses ImmunoComb® for the three viral diseases INSV, TSV and TSWV allows farmers to easily and simultaneously detect all three viruses in the same sample. This product is sold in 8-well kits consisting of 3 ImmunoStrips® and the kits contain extraction bags filled with the buffer required to perform the test. Agdia offers a one-year warranty on all products purchased along with an unparalleled level of customer support.

Simultaneous field identification system of three viral disease agents in plants